Intro to tactics

module TacticsTutorial

This file presents a walkthrough of the tactics engine in its current (July 23rd, 2017) state. It is mostly aimed at users and power users, leaving some details about the implementation out of this.

open FStar.Tactics
open FStar.List

First, what are tactics supposed to be?

In other dependently-typed theorem provers, they are a way to construct (or find) proofs automatically, which can be very tedious. Take a goal such as a + (b + c) == (c + a) + b: we can get a proofterm for it by applying and composing associativity and commutativity lemmas. However, this proofterm is very dependent on the exact goal we’re trying to prove: any change to the goal will require a change to the proof. This is annoying, since no real insight is required for the proof. Tactics provide an extensible way to automate these kind of proofs, improving robustness of proofs and the user’s sanity. In one way or another, tactics reflect on the goal they have been called on, possibly inspecting the local and global environments, and implement a custom behaviour to construct such proof. In the previous example, one possibility for a tactic is shuffling the summands on each side following some well-defined order, a totally automatable process.

You might be thinking: “doesn’t F* already have an SMT solver backend for this reason?”. Yes, but this does not at all negate the need for more automation in proofs. One could want to not call the SMT and stay only within F*, or to break down a proof obligation into more manageable chunks for the SMT, or even to simply change some SMT options or its environment for different subgoals. The main goal is to get more robust and faster proofs.

On the other side of the Curry-Howard isomorphism, tactics can also be used to construct arbitrary terms, and not necessarilly proofs. In this sense, they enable “metaprogramming” such as automatically generating printers for datatypes, recursors, or for whatever crazy boilerplate-like thing you want to do. We can also benefit from that in F*.

So, enough talk, what’s the hello world of tactics? The entry point for proving in tactics is assert_by_tactic, which takes a tactic to be run on the goal to prove.

val ex1 : unit -> Lemma True
let ex1 () =
    assert_by_tactic True idtac

Here, idtac is the identity tactic, which does nothing. Certainly, True is a simple enough goal so this example succeeds. In between, the tactic is running with True as a goal, in the “logical environment” where we need to do the proof. Running the following example will cause the exact “proofstate” where the tactic runs to be printed in the standard output.

val ex2 : unit -> Lemma True
let ex2 () =
    assert_by_tactic True (fun () -> dump "Example 2")

This yields the following:

Goal 1/1
  uu___: unit
  p: pure_post unit
  squash l_True
  (*?u18*) _ uu___6626 p

The output shows that we have only one “active” goal (that we’re still working on) and no goals that have been already dispatched to the SMT.

Concretely, to prove True, the engine is asking us to provide a term of type squash True. Squashing is the way we do proof-irrelevance in F*, and you can simply think of the type squash phi as the type of irrelevant proofs of phi. We call goals that are squashed “irrelevant”.


For experts: You might notice that True is already a squash (of c_True), so this seems useless. In this case it is, but we squash nevertheless for consistency since this might be not so.

A tactic is not required to completely prove an assertion, and can leave any number of goals unsolved, which will be fed to the SMT. Importantly, this can only be done on irrelevant goals, as the SMT does not produce proof terms!

As expected, we can also manipulate logical formulas. There is a derived set of tactics (FStar.Tactics.Logical) simplifying this task, which is somewhat complicated due to squashing. Let’s write a tactic to split a conjunction and solve one of its subformulas.

let tau3 () : Tac unit =
  Tactics.split ();
  dump "After split";
  smt ();
  trivial ()

let ex3 (x : nat) =
  assert_by_tactic (x + x >= 0 /\ List.length [4;5;1] == 3) tau3

First, we defined tau3 as a custom tactic, composed by applying split, smt and trivial in that order. The tactic 'a type is a monad, and this is F*’s version of do notation for it.

The split tactic will destruct the original goal into its two conjuncts, creating two new goals.

Try adding dump "After split"; just after split above, and run that code again. Now we see the following:

After split
  Goal 1/2
    x: nat
    squash (x + x >= 0)
    (*?u58*) _ x
  Goal 2/2
    x: nat
    squash (length [4; 5; 1] == 3)
    (*?u59*) _ x

Further tactic steps are applied to the first goal. For the first one, we want to just give it to the smt, so we call into the smt tactic, which always succeeds and marks a goal for SMT discharging. If we were to dump the proofstate here, we’d see the first goal was simply moved into the “SMT goals” set.

The second conjunct one can be shown true simply by normalization, so we can call into the trivial tactic to take care of it internally.


There is currently no support for a “try SMT” tactic, which would return back control if the SMT solver cannot prove the goal. This requires some rework in how guards are discharged in F*.

For an automation example, let’s write a tactic that will split all top-level conjunctions in our goal, trying to discharge them if they’re trivial. Importantly, we need to be able to inspect the goal we’re trying to prove from within the tactic. This is done via the cur_goal primitive, which returns the goal as term, a reflection of F*’s internal term representation. These terms are actually opaque, and can only be meaningfully used through some views defined on them. Since we’re dealing with a logical formula, the formula view is the most comfortable one. We can decide if our goal is a conjunction in the following way:

let is_conj () : Tac bool =
  let g = cur_goal () in
  match term_as_formula g with
  | And _ _ -> true
  | _       -> false

Now, we want a tactic that will call split when our goal is a conjunction, and then recurse on the conjuncts! The iseq tactic proves handy here. Given a list of tactics, iseq will apply them in succession to each of the open goals.

let rec split_all () : Tac unit =
  if is_conj ()
    Tactics.split ();
    iseq [split_all; split_all]
    let _ = trytac trivial in

We can use it for our previous example, or to break down bigger formulas.

let ex3' (x : nat) =
  assert_by_tactic (x + x >= 0 /\ List.length [4;5;1] == 3)

let ex4 (x : nat) =
    ((1 + 1 == 2) /\
     ((-x <= 0 /\ x + x >= 0) /\
      List.length [4;5;1] == 3))

Here, all of the conjuncts that remain are sent off separetely to the SMT solver.